
Its a Dapp, built using truffle react and besu

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Buy-Product Daap

Its a simple dapp build using truffle react and besu.

Setups for MetaMask

  1. Switch to localhost:8545

  2. Import a new account in metamask

  3. copy a private key from truffle-config.js and paste it inside private key area to import the account

Run the project

  1. git clone https://github.com/Shubham-tiwari123/Buy-product-daap.git

  2. cd truffle-react

  3. npm install

  4. cd client

  5. npm install

  6. cd ..

  7. truffle compile

  8. sudo npm run besu

  9. truffle migrate --network=besu --reset

  10. cd client

  11. npm run start