
The DKeeper app is a Web3 Notes Keeping App built with a decentralized approach. It leverages the power of the DFINITY Internet Computer Blockchain platform and the Motoko to enable decentralization in various aspects of the application. It is hosted on Internet computer platform.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DKeeper App - Decentralized Note Keeping Application

DKeeper App is a Decentralized Note-Keeping Web Application, made using ReactJS and Motoko Programming Language, that leverages the power of the DFINITY Internet Computer Blockchain platform. This application provides users with a secure and decentralized way to manage their notes, tasks, and important information, similar to Google Keep. The DKeeper App is hosted on the Internet Computer platform, enabling users to enjoy the benefits of decentralization in various aspects of the application.


Traditional note-keeping applications often rely on centralized servers, which can be prone to data breaches and other security vulnerabilities. DKeeper App takes a different approach by utilizing the decentralized capabilities of DFINITY and Motoko to ensure data integrity, privacy, and censorship resistance.

By being hosted on the Internet Computer platform, DKeeper App eliminates the need for a central server, ensuring that data is stored on the blockchain, providing a transparent and immutable ledger. Users have full control over their data, and there is no single point of failure.

Key Features

  • Decentralized Storage: All notes and data are stored on the DFINITY blockchain, ensuring tamper-proof and secure data storage.

  • Censorship Resistance: The app operates on a decentralized network, making it resistant to censorship and ensuring uninterrupted access to notes and information.

  • Collaboration: DKeeper App allows users to share notes and collaborate with others securely.

  • User Friendly UI: The App has great User Friendly UI and is made using ReactJS.


  1. Homepage

  1. Adding the Note

  1. Some Notes Added

  1. Deleting a Note

Getting Started

To use DKeeper App, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/dkeeper-app.git
cd dkeeper-app
  1. Install the required dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start the Replica of the ICP Blockchain using the below command:
dfx start --background
  1. Deploy the smart contract on the Internet Computer platform:
dfx deploy
  1. Run the app and open it on the LocalHost
npm start