
A decentralised application for farming sector.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the code for Farming Dapp Application which stores credential on Blockchain and then retrieve it from the client side. This application is coded using Truffle framework and solidity and require to run a private blockchain which is ganache-cli. The interections to the blockchain is possible by web3 javascript library.

What problem we are solving

An Agricultural Supply Chain tracks a farm product from the farmer to the consumer.


  1. Truffle framework version 2.0
  2. Ganache-cli


npm install -g truffle@2
npm install -g ganache-cli


Open terminal and start RPC client by typing ganache-cli.

Open another terminal and follow the commands.

git clone https://github.com/ShubhamKarala/Hackinators-Farming-Dapp
cd Hackinators-Farming-Dapp
truffle compile
truffle migrate
truffle serve

Open localhost on port 8080 in your favorite browser.
