
The frontend repo includes configurable UI components, modules and apps to create the Shiksha experience

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shiksha Platform Frontend (Uses Module Federation)


Module Description
core Core features like School, Classes, Students
teacher-app Host Application for teachers

Create New Module

  • copy module-template to packages/[module-name]
  • update packages/[module-name]/package.json
"name": "[module-name]",
  • Update packages/[module-name]/craco.config.js and assign a port for dev environment.
module.exports = {
  devServer: {
    port: 3001,
  • update packages/[module-name]/moduleFederation.config.js
module.exports = {
  name: "[module-name]",

Run All Modules and Host Application

  • Install dependency
yarn install
  • Run all modules
yarn start

Build Application for Production

yarn build

Run Module as Standalone Application

lerna run start --scope=[module-name]

Use Module in Host Application

  • Add remote module url to remotes in packages/[host-app]/moduleFederation.config.js

# e.g. core module is runninig on localhost:3001 then

  remotes: {
    core: 'core@[window.appModules.core.url]/remoteEntry.js',
  • Add entry to modules.json
# e.g. core module is runninig on localhost:3001 then

        "url": "http://localhost:3001"
  • To use exposed component from remote module in react. The lazy load componennt must be enclosed within <React.Suspense>
# e.g. usiing AppShell component from core module

const AppShell = React.lazy(() => import("core/AppShell"));
<React.Suspense fallback="Loading ">

Developer Documents
