
To push alb logs data to influx. This can help easily analyse request pattern in minute basis. Using influx data it is easy to create custom grafana charts and alerts.

Primary LanguagePython


  • To pull logs from s3
  • Parse logs from s3
  • Push logs to new destination
  • analyze logs from destination


python3 -m pip install virtualenv
python3 -m vevn venv
# source vevn
source ./venv/bin/activate
# install requirements
python -m pip install -r requirement.txt

For Influx as destination Create a bash file to source env. You can also use any other method to push env variable.

touch cred.bash
echo "export INFLUX_DB_HOST=repalce_with_url" >> cred.bash
echo "export INFLUX_DB_USER=replace_with_username" >> cred.bash
echo "export INFLUX_DB_PASSWORD=replace_with_password" >> cred.bash

source cred.bash

Download logs

mkdir logs
aws s3 cp s3://path_to_logs logs --recursive  # download logs in logs dir
gzip -dr logs # unzip all logs

Send logs You can use xargs to list file name and pass directly to main file. Example for 1 log file is below

# To parse logs in a directory
python main.py -d ./logs/

# To parse one file
python main.py -f ./logs/file.log

Lambda handler

  • Create new lambda function with privilages to read S3 bucket
  • Use Trigger to get notified whenever a new s3 log file is written bucke
  • Update Env for influx host and credentials

SQS Support

  • Add trigger from s3 to sqs
  • Consumer listen queue
  • Push to destination based on requirement

Required ENV

For SQS Support


For Influxdb Support


Grafan Dashboard

import grafana_dashboard.json to create dashboard on grafana alt text alt text alt text alt text