
Голосовой помощник для инвалидов по зрению

Primary LanguagePython

Voice assistant for the visually impaired

  1. Clone repository
  2. Install dependencies
  3. Run program
  4. Opportunity voice assistant
git clone https://github.com/Shubin-vadim/hackaton_VA.git
  1. Version for desktop
cd Destkop
pip3 install -r requirements_Destkop.txt
  1. Version for mobile
cd mobile
pip3 install -r requirements_mobile.txt
python main.py
  1. Search for information on the Internet. Keywords: "find", "find" + information search.
  2. To tell a joke. Keywords: "joke", "anedot".
  3. Find out the weather at the moment. Keywords: "weather", "pagoda" + city.
  4. Listening to music. Keywords: "songs", "song", "music", "music" + artist.
  5. Run the main programs for desktop. Keywords: "open", "run" + the name of the program.
  6. Watching a movie/TV series. Keywords: "watch", "watch", "watch", "watch" + the name of the movie / series.