
Old, with keyboard functionality

Primary LanguageHTML

-- Extra Notes, Details

This documentation outlines the creation and functionality of a simple yet fully functional calculator application. The calculator performs basic arithmetic operations and includes both click and keyboard input handling. What I Have Created I have created a fully functional calculator application. This application allows users to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Features: User Interface:

A clear, user-friendly interface with buttons for digits 0-9, operations (+, -, *, /), a clear button (C), a backspace button (<), and an equals button (=). Display:

A screen that displays the current input and the result of the calculation. Functionality:

Users can input numbers and operations using the on-screen buttons or the keyboard. The calculator evaluates expressions correctly and displays the result. It handles basic error cases, such as division by zero or invalid input. Keyboard Support:

The calculator responds to key presses, making it usable via the keyboard. Supported keys include digits, decimal point, arithmetic operators, Enter for equals, Backspace for deleting the last character, and Escape for clearing the input. Code Highlights: HTML Structure:

The HTML structure is straightforward, featuring a screen for display and a table for buttons, ensuring an organized and accessible layout. JavaScript Functionality:

insert(num): Function to insert numbers and operations into the calculation display. Event listeners for clear, back, and equal buttons to handle their respective actions. document.onkeydown: Function to handle keyboard input, mapping keys to their respective functions in the calculator. Feedback, General Ideas to Improve Work Improve Error Handling:

Enhance the JavaScript code to handle more complex error cases and provide user-friendly messages for errors like division by zero or invalid expressions. Style Enhancements:

Improve the CSS to provide better visual feedback on button presses (e.g., button color change on press). Consider adding transitions and animations for a more interactive user experience. Additional Features:

Implement more advanced mathematical functions (e.g., square root, exponentiation). Include memory functions (e.g., M+, M-, MR) for more versatile calculations. Accessibility:

Ensure the application is fully accessible, including appropriate ARIA roles and labels for screen reader support. Implement keyboard navigation for all interactive elements.