
Primary LanguagePython


  • Open file

    • Read file
      • Make dictionary of ‘subject’ words
      • Make dictionary of ‘body’ words
    • Return N=200 most frequent in 'body'
  • Close file

  • Calculate tf - idf

    • t_k := the number of times the word occurs in the document d_k
    • d_k := current document
    • |Tr| := is the size of this collection (total number of documents)
    • Tr(t_k) := the document frequency of t_k
    • #(t_k,d_j) := the number of times the word t_k occurs in the document d_j
    • tf-idf := #(t_k,d_j) * log( |Tr|/#Tr(t_k) )
  • Normalise tf - idf b/w 0-1 using cosine normalisation