
Deep learning library for Apache Spark

Primary LanguageScala


A scalable deep learning library for Apache Spark.

Here's the summary of core features:

  • a powerful N-dimensional array
  • lots of math and data manipulating operations
  • rich neural network layers
  • effecient distributed numeric optimization routines on Apache Spark
  • powered by MKL and MKL DNN, fast and optmized on Intel hardware platforms

##How to build ###Linux (only intel64 architecture) ####Build mvn clean package -DskipTests
Module native is skipped by default. If you want to build native module, see the Full Build.

####Full build

  1. Download Intel MKL and install it in your linux box
  2. Prepare MKL build environment
    source PATH_TO_MKL/bin/mklvars.sh intel64
    If Intel MKL doesn't install to default path /opt/intel, please link your libiomp5.so to project.
    ln -sf PATH_TO_INTEL_HOME/lib/intel64/libiomp5.so BIGDL_HOME/native/jni/src/main/resources/intel64
  3. Full build
    mvn clean package -DskipTests -P full-build


  • MNIST example
  • Cifar10 example
  • Imagenet example