What's this code?

This repository is from autowarefoundation/autoware_ai_utilites in order to build and use calibration_publisher package only. Autoware dependent codes such as autoware_msgs are removed in this separated package.


  • Package's name is calibration_publisher_aai instead of calibration_publisher.
  • projection_matrix_topic parameter cannot be used.

Calibration Publisher

This nodes publishes the camera intrinsics, extrinsics and registers the TF between the camera and LiDAR sensors. The data is read from an Autoware compatible calibration file.


  • sensor_msgs/CameraInfo, default topic name /NAMESPACE/camera_info.

  • autoware_msgs/projection_matrix, default topic name /NAMESPACE/camera_info



  • sensor_msgs/Image, default topic name /image_raw


Parameter Type Description Default Value
calibration_file String Path to the Autoware calibration file
register_lidar2camera_tf Bool Whether or not to register TF between camera and lidar True
publish_extrinsic_mat Bool Whether or not to publish extrinsic_matrix topic True
publish_camera_info Bool Whether or not to publish camera_info topic True
camera_frame String Camera frame to be included in the header camera
target_frame String Target LiDAR frame to register in the TF velodyne
image_topic_src String Image source topic to synchronize CameraInfo /image_raw
camera_info_topic String Camera info topic name to publish intrinsics /camera_info
projection_matrix_topic String Topic name on which to publish Extrinsics /projection_matrix