
This repository introduces a example to use vim-ros. vim-ros is a vim-plugin for coding ROS1. In this repository, forked version is used. Moreover, it is supposed that you use catkin-tools.

$ sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools python3-osrf-pycommon

Contents of this repository is checked by docker image "ros:noetic".


Install latest and huge Vim

$ sudo apt install software-properties-common
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install vim-gtk3
$ vim --version

Prepare vimrc to use some plugins with dein.vim

In this example, rather than vim-ros, some plugins are installed. They are mainly for completation by LSP.

And some configurations of vim are also done in the vimrc.

Make symbolic-link to a file and a directory in this repository(or copy them to specified path)

$ # cd to this repository
$ mkdir ~/.vim
$ ln -sr ./vimrc ~/.vimrc
$ ln -sr ./plugins ~/.vim/plugins

Add some codes to your bashrc

This is not necessary. And if you already added equivalent codes, you don't need to do.

Make symboric-link.

$ ln -sr ./bash_user_specific ~/.bash_user_specific

Add next code to your .bashrc

if [ -f ~/.bash_user_specific ]; then
    source ~/.bash_user_specific

Install dein.vim as plugin manager

Install dein.vim.

$ cd
$ curl >
$ sh ./ ~/.vim/bundles
$ vim

Automatically, plugins will be installed when executing Vim.

Example of how to use

In this configuration, vim-ros plugin is not yet loaded to use Vim in other projects without ROS1.

To use vim-ros plugins, follow below steps.

$ cd your_ws
$ catkin source # source ./devel/setup.bash
$ catkin build # At least, workspace must be built before catkin-compile-commands-json
$ catkin-compile-commands-json # This is defined when you applied above bash_user_specific
$ vim

catkin-compile-commands-json sets catkin-configuration; -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON, and make symbolic-link of compile_commands.json for each package. The compile_commands.json is used for auto-completation such as LSP.

Execute a command :VimRos in normal mode to load vim-ros plugin.


Plugin "vim-lsp-settings" manages to install Language Server. When you open a file whose filetype is not used ever, you can install language server by next command in Vim.

:Rosed foo_package bar.cpp

" check
:e %

Try :LspHover on a variable in C++ source code, for example.

In this repository, ,h and ,d are mapped to :LspHover and :LspDocumentDiagnostics respectively. Of cource, you should remap some commands to your favorite keybinds.


By :make, you can build your workspace. However, to treat error-message from gcc in Vim, you may need next configuration of catkin workspace.

$ catkin config -a --cmake-args -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fdiagnostics-color=never

You can check build-command by calling next command in Vim.

:set makeprg