****** Change PWM frecuency ARDUINO UNO***** Function: setPwmFrequencyUNO(pin,divisor); Description: DO NOT MODIFY pin 6 is the one on which rely all time functions in Arduino: i.e., if you change the frequency of this pins, function like delay() or millis() will continue to work but at a different timescale (quicker or slower!!!) For pins 6 and 5: (5 and 6 are together, can not modify individually,same timer) Divisor Frequency 1 62500 Hz 2 7812.5 Hz 3 976.5625 Hz <--DEFAULT Diecimila bootloader 4 244.140625 Hz 5 61.03515625 Hz For pins 9, 10, 11 and 3: (9 & 10 and 11 & 3 are together, can not modify individually,same timer) Divisor Frequency 1 31372.55 Hz 2 3921.16 Hz 3 979.527 Hz 4 490.20 Hz <--DEFAULT Diecimila bootloader 5 244.882 Hz 6 122.55 Hz 7 30.610 Hz ****** Change PWM frecuency ARDUINO MEGA 2560***** Function: setPwmFrequencyMEGA2560(pin,divisior); This pins are together, can not modify frequency individually,same timmer): pin 13, 4 pin 12, 11 pin 10, 9 pin 5, 3, 2 pin 8, 7, 6 For pins 13,4 (DO NOT MODIFY pins 13 & 4 is the one on which rely all time functions in Arduino: i.e., if you change the frequency of this pins, function like delay() or millis() will continue to work but at a different timescale quicker or slower!)) Divisor Frequency 1 62500 Hz 2 7812.5 Hz 3 976.5625 Hz <--DEFAULT Diecimila bootloader 4 244.140625 Hz 5 61.03515625 Hz For pins 2 to 13 EXCEPT 13,4: Divisor Frequency 1 31372.55 Hz 2 3921.16 Hz 3 490.20 Hz <--DEFAULT Diecimila bootloader 4 122.55 Hz 5 30.610 Hz