Graph format: a .meta file contains the number of edges and the number of nodes in each part. See data/example.meta a .e file contains all the edges. See data/example.e
To build index with BasicDecom: ./abcore -BasicDecom path_to_graph (e.g. ./abcore -BasicDecom ../data/example)
To build index with ComShrDecom: ./abcore -ComShrDecom path_to_graph (e.g. ./abcore -ComShrDecom ../data/example)
To build index with ParallelDecom: ./abcore -ParallelDecom path_to_graph num_cores (e.g. ./abcore -ParallelDecom ../data/example 20)
To query alpha beta core using BiCoreIndex: ./abcore -Query path_to_graph alpha beta (e.g. ./abcore -Query ../data/example 2 3)
To insert edge with BiCore-Index-Ins: ./abcore -BiCore-Index-Ins path_to_graph vertex_1 vertex_2 (e.g. ./abcore -BiCore-Index-Ins ../data/example 3 6)
To remove edge with BiCore-Index-Rem: ./abcore -BiCore-Index-Rem path_to_graph vertex_1 vertex_2 (e.g. ./abcore -BiCore-Index-Rem ../data/example 3 7)
To insert edge with BiCore-Index-Ins*: ./abcore -BiCore-Index-Ins* path_to_graph vertex_1 vertex_2 (e.g. ./abcore -BiCore-Index-Ins* ../data/example 3 6)
To remove edge with BiCore-Index-Rem*: ./abcore -BiCore-Index-Rem* path_to_graph vertex_1 vertex_2 (e.g. ./abcore -BiCore-Index-Rem* ../data/example 3 7)
To insert edge with ParallelIns: ./abcore -ParallelIns path_to_graph vertex_1 vertex_2 num_cores (e.g. ./abcore -BiCore-Index-Ins* ../data/example 3 6 20)
To remove edge with ParallelRem: ./abcore -ParallelRem path_to_graph vertex_1 vertex_2 num_cores (e.g. ./abcore -BiCore-Index-Rem* ../data/example 3 7 20)