
LensVista captures moments with finesse! 📸 Offering professional photography services for events, portraits, and special occasions. 🌟 Let us frame your memories beautifully. #CaptureLife

Primary LanguageTypeScript


MIT License GPLv3 License AGPL License

Lens Vista

LensVista skillfully captures moments! 📸 We specialize in providing expert photography services for events, portraits, and special occasions. 🌟 Allow us to elegantly frame your cherished memories. #PreserveMoments


Project Screenshot

📔 Table of Contents


Role Credential
Admin Email: admin@gmail.com password: ********
User Email: user@gmail.com password: 123456


+----------------+       +---------------+      +---------------+      +------------+
|      User      |       |    Booking    |      |    Service    |      |   Review   |
+----------------+       +---------------+      +---------------+      +------------+
| id: Int        |       | id: Int       |      | id: Int       |      | id: Int    |
| role: String   |1      | userId: Int   |      | title: String |      | userId: Int|
| name: String   |-------| serviceId: Int|      | banner: Str   |------| serviceId: |
| email: String  |       | bookingInfo: J|      | isBooked: Boo |      | message: St|
| password: Str  |       | status: Str   |      | description:  |      | rating: Str|
| location: Str? |       | createdAt: Dat|      | category: Str |      | createdAt: |
| phone: Str?    |       | updatedAt: Dat|      | price: Float  |      | updatedAt: |
| profileImage: S|       +---------------+      | availabilit: B|      +------------+
| createdAt: Dat |                              | createdAt: Dat|
| updatedAt: Dat |                              | updatedAt: Dat|
+----------------+                              +---------------+
         |                                                |
         |                                                |
         v                                                v
+----------------+                               +----------------+
|   Feedback     |                               |      FAQ       |
+----------------+                               +----------------+
| id: Int        |                               | id: Int        |
| email: String  |                               | title: String  |
| message: Str   |                               | content: String|
| createdAt: Dat |                               | createdAt: Dat |
| updatedAt: Dat |                               | updatedAt: Dat |
+----------------+                               +----------------+
|      News      |
| id: Int        |
| title: String  |
| content: String|
| contentType: S |
| banner: String?|
| createdAt: Dat |
| updatedAt: Dat |


User Management

  • User Authentication: Secure user authentication for creating accounts and logging in.

  • User Profile Management: Users can easily manage their profiles, including personal information and preferences.

Event Booking

  • Event Booking System: Users can book events seamlessly, providing a convenient way to participate in various activities.

  • Booking Tracking: Users have the ability to track and manage their booked events in one central location.

  • Event Reviews: Users can leave reviews for events they attended, contributing to a feedback system.

Admin Panel

  • Admin Profile Management: Admins have control over their profiles, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information.

  • Event Management:

    • Create New Event: Admins can add new events to the system.
    • Update Existing Event: Modify details of existing events.
    • Delete Event: Remove outdated or canceled events from the platform.
  • Customer Booking Management:

    • Accept Bookings: Admins can approve customer bookings.
    • Cancel Bookings: Admins have the ability to cancel bookings as necessary.
  • News and FAQ Management:

    • News Updates: Admins can post and manage news updates.
    • FAQ Management: Admins can add, edit, or remove frequently asked questions.


Main Route

Authentication Routes 🛡️

  • POST /auth/register: Register a new user.
  • POST /auth/login: Log in a user.

User Routes

  • GET /user/all-users: Retrieve all users. Requires ADMIN or SUPER_ADMIN privileges..
  • GET /user/me: Retrieve own user profile.
  • GET /user/admins: Retrieve all administrators. Requires SUPER_ADMIN privileges.
  • POST /user/update-profile: Update an own profile information.
  • PATCH /user/admin/update-role/:email: Update the role of an administrator by email. Requires SUPER_ADMIN privileges.
  • PATCH /user/:id: Update user information by ID. Requires ADMIN or SUPER_ADMIN privileges.
  • POST /user/update-profile-data: Update profile data. Requires validation.
  • DELETE /user/:id: Delete a user by ID. Requires ADMIN or SUPER_ADMIN privileges.

Service Routes

  • POST /service/create: Create a new service.
  • GET /service/best-services: Retrieve the best services.
  • GET /service/:id: Retrieve details of a single service by ID.
  • GET /service/: Retrieve all services.
  • DELETE /service/:id: Delete a service by ID. 🗑️
  • PATCH /service/:id: Update information for a specific service. 🔄

News Routes 📰

  • POST /news: Create a new news article. ✏️
  • GET /news: Get all news articles. 📄
  • GET /news/:id: Get details of a specific news article by ID. 📰
  • PATCH /news/:id: Update details of a specific news article by ID. 🔄
  • DELETE /news/:id: Delete a news article by ID. 🗑️

Booking Routes

  • POST /bookings/: Create a new booking.
  • GET /bookings/all-bookings: Get all bookings (Admin access required).
  • PATCH /bookings/cancel-booking/:id: Cancel a booking by ID (Admin access required).
  • PATCH /bookings/confirm-booking/:id: Confirm a booking by ID (Admin access required).
  • DELETE /bookings/:id: Delete a user booking by ID (User access required).
  • GET /bookings/: Get user's bookings.

FAQ Routes

  • POST /faq/: Create a new FAQ. ✏️
  • GET /faq/: Get all FAQs. 📄
  • DELETE /faq/:id: Delete a FAQ by ID. 🗑️
  • PATCH /faq/:id: Update a FAQ by ID. 🔄

Feedback Routes

  • POST /feedback: Submit feedback.

Review Routes

  • POST /reviews: Create a new review. ✍️
  • GET /reviews/:id: Get reviews by ID. 📄


Express JS Express JS Prisma Prisma JWT JWT JWT


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