
Explore the Medicare ADRD dataset issue and create the Medicare ADRD hospitalization dataset

Primary LanguageR

ADRD Medicare hospitalization data

Main goal is to create the dataset of hospitalization records with ADRD. In the future, we may consider move the ADRD Medicare cohort related codes into this repo.

We decided to use CCW's ICD list to identify ADRD in the first 10 billing codes in Medicare FFS inpatient data.

why CCW's ICD list instead of others?

We want to have consistent number of hospitalizations with ADRD over 2000-2016. We achieved it only with CCW's list: https://www2.ccwdata.org/web/guest/condition-categories


The plot with Shuxin's list generated from Lidia's and Taylor's papers:


why first 10 billing codes instead of all 25?

The plot with CCW's list but screening for all 25 codes:


Data Columns

> library(fst)
> df <- read_fst("ADRD_2000.fst")
> colnames(df)

 [1] "QID"            "ADATE"          "DDATE"          "zipcode_R"      "DIAG1"          "DIAG2"         
 [7] "DIAG3"          "DIAG4"          "DIAG5"          "DIAG6"          "DIAG7"          "DIAG8"         
[13] "DIAG9"          "DIAG10"         "AGE"            "Sex_gp"         "Race_gp"        "SSA_STATE_CD"  
[19] "SSA_CNTY_CD"    "PROV_NUM"       "ADM_SOURCE"     "ADM_TYPE"       "Dual"           "year"          
[25] "AD_primary"     "AD_any"         "AD_secondary"   "ADRD_primary"   "ADRD_any"       "ADRD_secondary"

Data Dictionary

Fieldname Source Description Role
QID Medicare Person's ID ID
ADATE Medicare Admission date Outcome
DDATE Medicare Discharge date Outcome
zipcode_R Medicare Zipcode Location
DIAG 1-10 Medicare Billing codes as ICD codes Outcome
AGE Medicare Age Confounder
Sex_gp Medicare Sex Confounder
Race_gp Medicare Race Confounder
SSA_STATE_CD Medicare State code Location
SSA_CNTY_CD Medicare County code Location
PROV_NUM Medicare Hospital ID Location
ADM_SOURCE Medicare Admission source Confounder
ADM_TYPE Medicare Admission type (1 - Emergency, 2 - Urgent, 3 - Elective) Confounder
Dual Medicare Eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid (1 - yes, 0 - otherwise) Confounder
year R Year of hospital admission (from 2000 to 2016) Outcome
AD_primary R Does the ICD code of Alzheimer's disease appear in the first billing code? (T/F) Outcome
AD_any R Does the ICD code of Alzheimer's disease appear in any of the first ten billing codes (DIAG 1-10)? (T/F) Outcome
AD_secondary R Does the ICD code of Alzheimer's disease appear in any of the second to tenth billing codes (DIAG 2-10)? (T/F) Outcome
ADRD_primary R Do ADRD ICD codes appear as first diagnosis? (T/F) Outcome
ADRD_any R Do ADRD ICD codes appear in any of the first ten billing codes (DIAG 1-10)? (T/F) Outcome
ADRD_secondary R Do ADRD ICD codes appear in any of the second to tenth billing codes (DIAG 2-10)? (T/F) Outcome
List ICD codes to identify AD/ADRD (used as exclusion/inclusion criteria). Ref: ccw-cond-algo-alzdisorders.pdf
ICD9 3310, 33111, 33119, 3312, 3317, 2900, 29010, 29011, 29012, 29013, 29020, 29021, 2903, 29040, 29041, 29042, 29043, 2940, 29410, 29411, 29420, 29421, 2948, 797
ICD10 F0150, F0151, F0280, F0281, F0390, F0391, F04, G138, F05, F061, F068, G300, G301, G308, G309, G311, G312, G3101, G3109, G94, R4181, R54

Variable Description

ADM_SOURCE - Admission source
1 Physician referral
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
4 Transfer from hospital
5 Transfer from a SNF
6 another health care facility
7 Emergency room