Microcontroller Programming on TI Tiva C Series TM4C123GH6PM, ARM Cortex M4 core
This repository uses TI's Code Composer Studio to run code on the TM4C123GH6PM. The software packages are:
For Windows
For Linux/Ubuntu
After successful installation, create a new project (with main.c) and add the board's header file, if not already present.
Getting Started
Code for blinking an led on the Tiva board
GPIO Switch Control
Control a switch using GPIO to turn on an LED
Sequential LED
Control a switch using GPIO to turn on an LED in a sequential pattern: Red-->Green-->Blue. Each button press turns on either red, blue or green and the next button press turns on the next LED in the sequence and so on.
Delay using Systick
Generate a delay using systick timer of the ARM Cortex M4 core.
Systick and GPIO Interrupts
Use Systick and GPIO interrupts to turn on an LED for a fixed duration.
PWM control by switches
Generate a PWM signal whose duty cycle can be controlled by GPIO Switches.
PWM control by duration
Generate a PWM signal whose duty cycle can be controlled by duration of the switch press.
UART character receive and transmit using interrupts.
- Systick Timer Interrupt Programming TM4C123 ARM Cortex M4
- GPIO Interrupts TM4C123 Tiva Launchapd - Edge Triggered and Level
- Using SysTick with Interrupt | Embedded systems
- LuisAfonso95/TM4C123-Launchpad-Examples
- YashBansod/ARM-TM4C-CCS: This repository contains all my practice codes of TM4C123GXL coded in CCS7
- Understanding the Clock in TM4C123 Series Microcontroller - Kitflix
- LPC1768: SysTick Timer - Tutorials
- Starter files for embedded systems
- https://users.ece.utexas.edu/~valvano/arm/tm4c123gh6pm.s