
Notes, Code Snippets, Tips and Tweaks to understand python better.

Primary LanguagePython

Learn-Python [In-Progress]

Essential JavaScript

What is this?

You can never understand everything but you should push yourself to understand the system.
-Ryan Dahl (creator of Node.JS)

The above quote is what motivated me to create this repository. This repo will act as my journal. My aim is to learn, understand and then explain the must have concepts of Python in a simplified manner.

Table of Contents

  1. Theory : (the theoretical aspects of Python)
    1. what exactly is python?
    2. python implementations
    3. syntax differences
    4. PEP8 Style Guide
    5. ....ongoing.....
  2. Code Snippets: (code snippets, library functions)
    1. control flow
    2. dictionaries
    3. lists
    4. strings
    5. ....ongoing ....
  3. Competitive Coding (converting my js solutions to python to have a good hands on.)
  4. Unit Testing in Python


  1. PEP8 Style guide for python code. https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
  2. Unit Test: https://docs.python.org/2/library/unittest.html