
A new Flutter project.

Overview This README file provides instructions on how to set up, run, and test a hybrid mobile application developed using Flutter and the ZEGOCLOUD SDK. The application allows users to enter a meeting ID and start a one-on-one audio/video meeting.

Prerequisites Before setting up the project, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  1. Flutter: Follow the official Flutter installation guide to set up Flutter on your machine.
  2. Android Studio: Install Android Studio for Android development.
  3. Xcode: Required for iOS development (macOS only).
  4. ZEGOCLOUD Account: Sign up for a free account at ZEGOCLOUD and obtain the necessary API keys.

Project Setup Follow these steps to set up and run the application:

  1. Clone the Repository Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone <repository_link>
  1. Navigate to the Project Directory Navigate to the project directory:
cd <project_directory>
  1. Install Dependencies Run the following command to install all necessary dependencies:
flutter pub get
  1. Configure ZEGOCLOUD SDK Create a file named config.dart in the lib directory and add your ZEGOCLOUD API key and other necessary configurations:
// lib/config.dart
const String ZEGOCLOUD_API_KEY = 'your_api_key_here';
const String ZEGOCLOUD_APP_ID = 'your_app_id_here';
const String ZEGOCLOUD_APP_SIGN = 'your_app_sign_here';
  1. Run the Application Use the following commands to run the application on your desired platform:

Android Connect an Android device or start an Android emulator, then run:

flutter run

iOS Connect an iOS device or start an iOS simulator, then run:

flutter run
  1. Building for Release For a production build, use the following commands:


flutter build apk


flutter build ios

Testing the Application To test the application on both iOS and Android devices, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the app: Start the app on your device or emulator.
  2. Enter a Meeting ID: On the Meeting ID Input Screen, enter a valid meeting ID.
  3. Join the Meeting: Press the join button to start a one-on-one video call.
  4. Verify Functionality: Ensure that both users with the same meeting ID can connect and communicate.

Project Structure The project structure is as follows:

|-- main.dart
|-- config.dart
|-- screens/
    |-- loading_screen.dart
    |-- meeting_id_input_screen.dart
    |-- video_conferencing_screen.dart
|-- widgets/
    |-- loader.dart
    |-- meeting_id_input.dart
    |-- join_button.dart

Key Files and Their Purposes

  • main.dart: Entry point of the application.
  • config.dart: Configuration file for ZEGOCLOUD API keys.
  • loading_screen.dart: Displays the loading animation.
  • meeting_id_input_screen.dart: Screen for entering the meeting ID.
  • video_conferencing_screen.dart: Screen for the video conferencing session.
  • loader.dart: Loader widget for the loading screen.
  • meeting_id_input.dart: Text input widget for entering the meeting ID.
  • join_button.dart: Button widget for joining the meeting.

Demo Video A short demo video showcasing the app's functionality can be found [here]. The video demonstrates launching the app, entering a meeting ID, and starting a one-on-one video call.