- Quaver
- 4K Mania
- 7K Mania
- Osu
- 4K Mania
- 7K Mania
- Osu!
RhythmPy has been tested to work with python versions 3.7 or lower.
In theory this project should work on Mac / Linux but i have not tested it yet
Method 1: Using the official release installers
- Download the latest release it is faster and includes a installer for RhythmPy with an optional standalone executable
Method 2: Running / Building the source
This project is made using make
if you are on windows you will need to install make
before proceeding.
- Use
make python
to run the python version - Use
make build && make run
to build and run
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
- Commit your Changes
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
- Push to the Branch
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
- Open a Pull Request
i will review the pull request as soon as i can
- Follow installation guide to step 3
- install Dev version of RhythmPy
poetry install
Method 1 Using premade script:
- 3᎐ Run
poetry run python Build.py
and follow in terminal instructions
Method 2: Using pyinstaller
- 3.1 OPTIONAL Create your own .spec file
poetry run pyi-makespec RhythmPy/__main__.py
and Fill in needed information click here for example. you will need to define where the ui elements can be found - 3.2 Run
poetry run pyinstaller --onedir RhythmPy/RhythmPy.spec RhythmPy/__main__.py
to create the .exe
- Open the executable found in
to run the program
After building is done there should be two folders build
and dist
if they do not appear or if the generated executable does not work please install Visual C++ Redistributable
if that does not work recompile with --debug=all
as an option and then check the logs in build/Main
if you want to create a installer use nsis, i am not going to cover how to do it here due to it being rather simple
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