Currency Converter Web Application


Our currency conversion calculator uses the current exchange rate to determine how much your money is worth in a different currency. Since this value can fluctuate due to various economic conditions it’s important to know the current exchange rate before converting your money. Here are some of the most popular conversions that our calculator supports


🚀 Demo

Project Screenshots:




🧐 Features

Here're some of the project's best features:

  • Supports More than 180 Global Currencies.
  • Currency Rate Comparison for Multiple Currencies.
  • Easy & Intuitive Interface for Quick Review of Market Prices.
  • Dynamic Search Features for Discovering Currency Rates.
  • Amount Enter in one currency to get converted amount in another currency.

🛠️ Installation Steps:

1. Clone the Repository

git clone

2. Go To currency-converter-master folder and Install dependency then run the application using below mentioned command.

cd currency-converter-master && npm run dev 

3. Create new .env file in root folder with to variable PORT and MONGO_DB_URI

// .env file
PORT = 3000
MONGO_DB_URI = "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password><dbname>"
i.e. "mongodb+srv://"

4. Now Go to browser and Enter below mentioned url


🛡️ License:

This project is licensed under the ME

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