
Incomplete Go wrapper for the CircleCI API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



This is a very incomplete wrapper for the CircleCI API. Currently we use it to fetch the latest build for a branch.

You should treat the API as very unstable, library API's that grow from one or two methods to the whole API tend to not be designed very well, so probably at some point you will have to create a Client instance or something.

Token Management

This library will look for your Circle API token in ~/cfg/circleci and (if that does not exist, in ~/.circlerc). The configuration file should look like this:


    token = "aabbccddeeff00"

You can specify any org name you want.


If you just want the binary, download it from Equinox.io and place the circle file somewhere on your $PATH.

If you want to install the project, first set your $GOPATH in your environment (I set it to ~/code/go), then run

go install github.com/Shyp/go-circle/...

This should place a circle binary in $GOPATH/bin, so for me, ~/code/go/bin/circle.

Wait for tests to pass/fail on a branch

If you want to be notified when your tests finish running, run circle wait [branchname]. The interface for that will certainly change as well; we should be able to determine which organization/project to run tests for by checking your Git remotes.

It's pretty neat! Here's a screenshot.

CircleCI screenshot