
Matrix Whatsapp pupetting bridge for YunoHost

Primary LanguageShellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Matrix-WhatsApp bridge for YunoHost

Integration level Working status Maintenance status

Install Matrix-WhatsApp bridge with YunoHost

Lire ce readme en français.

This package allows you to install Matrix-WhatsApp bridge quickly and simply on a YunoHost server. If you don't have YunoHost, please consult the guide to learn how to install it.


A puppeting bridge between Matrix and WhatsApp packaged as a YunoHost service. Messages, media and notifications are bridged between a WhatsApp user and a matrix user. With the RelayBot login option, the matrix user can invite other matrix user in a bridged WhatsApp room, such that even people without a WhatsApp account can participate to WhatsApp group conversations. The "Mautrix-WhatsApp" bridge consists in a synapse app service and relies on postgresql (mysql also available). Therefore, Synapse for YunoHost should be installed beforehand.

** Attention: always backup and restore the Yunohost matrix_synapse et mautrix_whatsapp apps together!**

Shipped version: 0.8.2~ynh2

Disclaimers / important information

List of known public services

  • Ask on one of the following rooms: #mautrix_yunohost:matrix.fdn.fr or #whatsapp:maunium.net

Bridging usage

** Note that several WhatsApp and Matrix users can be bridged, each WhatsApp account has its own bot administration room. If they are in a same WhatsApp group, only one matrix room will be created. **

Bridge a WhatsApp user and a Matrix user

  • First your matrix user or server has to be authorized in the bridge configuration (see below)
  • Then, invite the bot (default @whatsappbot:yoursynapse.domain)
  • The room with the Mautrix-WhatsApp bot is called "administration room".
  • Type login
  • Capture the QR code with the camera in the whatsapp of your VM or smartphone (WhatsApp Web)
  • Send help to the bot in the created room to know how to control the bot. See also upstream wiki Authentication page

Bridge an existing room | Bridge Whatsapp to Signal over Matrix

By default, the bridge creates a portal room for each WA group that the WA user actively uses. Your can also create a portal for an existing Matrix room. Note that this can be a room created by another bridge, e.g. a Signal portal room

  1. Invite the bridge bot to the room (with an authorized user)
  2. type !wa create
  3. Your logged in WA user creates a new corresponding group.
  4. Get the WA invite link !wa invite-link and share it with friends. Or invite Whatsapp puppets to room.
  5. Optional: Activate relaybot, see next section.

Relaybot: Bridge a group for several Matrix and several WhatsApp users to chat together

When upgrading from <v0.2.0, the relaybot system changed. There is no relaybot administration room anymore. Relay must be re-activated in all rooms.

To be able to bridge not only your logged in Matrix account but also Matrix friends you invite to a portal room, you need to:

  1. enable relaybot setting in the bridge configuration relay: enabled: true
  2. login to your WhatsApp account in the (main) administration room
  3. write !wa set-relay in each of the rooms you want to relay to (re-)activate the relaybot function. By default, only bridge admin can do this, see setting admin_only: true
  • In WhatsApp: all messages will be seen as received from the account who is logged in with a prefix for the source matrix user.
  • On the matrix side: the bridge will create matrix puppets corresponding to the WhatsApp users when they send a message. See also upstream wiki Relaybot page

Configuration of the bridge

The bridge is roughly configured at installation, e.g. allowed admin and user of the bot. Finer configuration can be done by modifying the following configuration file with SSH: /opt/yunohost/mautrix_whatsapp/config.yaml and then restarting the mautrix_whatsapp service.

End-to-bridge encryption

The bridge can optionally encrypt messages between Matrix users and the bridge to hide messages from the homeserver. Using Postgres is strongly recommended when using end-to-bridge encryption.

If you want to enable it, look for the option bridge → encryption in the config file. If you only set allow: true, the bridge won't enable encryption on its own, but will work in encrypted rooms. If you set default: true, the bridge will automatically enable encryption in new portals. There is also the possibility to set require: true to enforce encryption on any of the messages that you send (this will drop any unencrypted messages).

YunoHost specific features

Multi-user support

  • Bot users are not related to Yunohost users. Any Matrix account or Synapse server autorized in the configuration of the bridge can invite/use the bot.
  • The WhatsApp bot is a local Matrix-Synapse user, but accessible through federation (synapse public or private).
  • Several Signal and Matrix users can be bridged with one bridge, each user has its own bot administration room.
  • If several bot users are in a same WhatsApp group, only one Matrix room will be created by the bridge.
  • See https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/synapse_ynh#multi-users-support

Multi-instance support

  • Multi-instance installation should work. Several bridge instances could be installed for one Matrix-Synapse instance so that one Matrix user can bridge several WhatsApp accounts.
  • Several bridge instances could be installed for each Matrix-Synapse instance to benefit from it. But one bridge can be used by users from several Matrix-Synapse instances.

Supported architectures



  • Audio/Video calls are not bridged yet.
  • If WhatsApp loses connection, e.g. the phone is set in flight mode or push notifications are deactivated, the bot has sometimes to be restarted manually by sending a reconnnect message in the matrix administration room.

Additional information

To test communication between the App Service and Matrix-Synapse on a VM (e.g. with domain name: synapse.vm), you must install a certificate:

echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername synapse.vm -connect synapse.vm:443 2>/dev/null | awk '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/, /-----END CERTIFICATE-----/' >> /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/synapse.vm.crt

Miscellaneous information

  • Matrix room (matrix bridges in YunoHost): #mautrix_yunohost:matrix.fdn.fr
  • Matrix room (upstream app): #whatsapp:maunium.net In case you need to upload your logs somewhere, be aware that they contain your contacts' and your phone numbers. Strip them out with | sed -r 's/[0-9]{10,}/📞/g'
  • "Mautrix-WhatsApp" bridge is based on the Rhymen/go-whatsapp implementation of the sigalor/whatsapp-web-reveng project.

Development code quality

The .github/workflows/updater.sh script needs to be synced with changes in conf/config.yaml therefore a pre-commit hook is used to display a reminder to update .github/workflows/updater.sh (if needed) when conf/config.yaml has been modified.

Please enable Git hooks using following command to ensure code quality and stability.

git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks

Documentation and resources

Developer info

Please send your pull request to the testing branch.

To try the testing branch, please proceed like that.

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mautrix_whatsapp_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade mautrix_whatsapp -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/mautrix_whatsapp_ynh/tree/testing --debug

More info regarding app packaging: https://yunohost.org/packaging_apps