
Generate a TV script using a recurrent neural network.

Primary LanguageHTML

Project 3: Generate TV Scripts


In this project, you'll generate your own Simpsons TV scripts using RNNs. You'll be using part of the Simpsons dataset of scripts from 27 seasons. The Neural Network you'll build will generate a new TV script for a scene at Moe's Tavern.

In this project, I generated a Simpsons TV scripts using RNNs. I used a part of the Simpsons dataset of scripts from 27 seasons. The Neural Network I built generates a new TV script for a scene at Moe's Tavern. The script has a length of 200 and starts with 'Moe Szyslak':

moe_szyslak:(into phone) i sure am looking for a night in that bar in a bar telling a man.
moe_szyslak: well, well, if it isn't little about my life is, moe. you got a great way, i was just as a good one.
moe_szyslak: hey, hey, hey, you guys are not to keep your time, moe.
homer_simpson: hey, you guys are from the back of my life, is not the only one who knows what.
homer_simpson: well, if it isn't little more of my life.
homer_simpson:(chuckles) just like the other one who should i should be a drink.
moe_szyslak: hey, homer, you gotta be great.
moe_szyslak: hey, homer. if you ever been good is to the twenty in the bar, the time has come too much"
homer_simpson: i put it in the bar.
moe_szyslak:(to moe,) ah, you're a little.
moe_szyslak: hey, hey, hey, you guys are not to buy you a