
The Purpose of this Doc-Bot is to help the user in setting up an appointment with the concerned ENT Doctor.


Appointment confirmation Bot (DoC-Bot) - https://ent-care.vercel.app/

Table of contents

  • DoC-Bot
  • ENT Care Website
  • Manual Appointment Registration.


The Purpose of this DoC-Bot is to help the user in setting up an appointment with the concerned ENT Doctor.
Various SalesIQ Scripts' input cards has been used such as
--->Single Select Option
--->Multiple Select Option
--->Range Slider
--->Date - Time Slots
--->Star Rating

Apart from input cards, other additional feature has been added: Once the user completes the appointment process, the user will receive the confirmation mail to his/her Mail_ID.

To summarize, The user will have options to check Working hours, Doctors Info, Contact Details and Can book appointment as well. During the Appointment process, the DoC-Bot collects information from the user namely User Name, User mail Id,Phone No, Age, Blood Group, User's Concern, Location, Appointment Date and Time etc. Collecting these details, the Doc-bot will make an appointment and send the appointment details to the user through E-mail. Finally star rating will be asked for the service provided by the bot.

Appointment booking :p








  • Deluge
  • Salesiq
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript


Project - Completed