

Primary LanguageHTML



Motivation: As students, we are faced with the issue of complex, fast-paced lectures which did not leave us time to write notes and pay attention. With sumy, students can upload an audio file from a lecture (easily available to them by recording lectures themselves/requesting audio files from recorded lectures) and have a transcript readily available to them. Not only does sumy do the writing for you, it centralizes all your lecture notes in one place.

Still confused about a concept? Not a problem- sumy comes with a user friend chatbox "sumy sumy" that is readily available to answer FAQ about lecture material/logistics.

Feel free to also use the summarizer before quizzes/exams for a quick recap of the material.

What it does: It transforms speech to text, storing the transcripts. Also, it has a chatbot which answers users' lecture-related questions, offering keywords, definitions, dates or searches from the web.