Extends fastlane versioning actions. Allows to set/get versions without using agvtool and do some other small tricks.
- acicartagena
- akaralarBarcelona, Spain
- AndyIsaacson
- anibaby1600
- attheodoMobile Team lead at Waldo Photos Inc.
- bcreasyStarmount
- BenchR267
- CassiusPacheco@immutable
- chriszxv
- davidnuvolar
- DenTelezhkin@MacPaw
- diogoAntunesPortugal
- drosenstarkConfusion Studios LLC
- gregorynicholasalter union
- GrooveDeluxe
- GuilhermeMachado@mercadobitcoin
- iby@gifox
- iShawnWangUnemployed
- jlainog@melisource
- kaphaciusAdyen
- KrauseFxVienna, Austria
- LeonardoCardoso@TradeRepublic
- mouse-linchina hangzhou
- muneikh@Ositech-Communications-Inc @Sofstica
- neonichu@Apple
- nthegedusBrasil
- olamarche
- pschneiderGermany
- saltwat5r
- StarWars
- tkrajacicGraz, Austria
- tommeier@Buildkite
- wilferrelCapital One
- XBeg9AstrumU
- yannickooBerlin
- yurapriv@hhru