In css url() references, output paths for assets are double encoded.

I've set base = /blog/John%20Doe in the astro config.

When building and deploying the site, the final path to the assets in css url() references are double encoded.

The output paths in css url() becomes /blog/John%2520Doe/..., when they should stay /blog/John%20Doe/...

The background image url becomes


The font url becomes


The % in config.base has been encoded to %25

The problem persists when base is not URL encoded (base = /blog/John Doe)

Steps to reproduce

  • Clone this repository
  • Build the astro site and preview it (astro build && astro preview)
  • View the generated paths for the svg and the font file

Build output

Build output

Notice the css url() paths to the assets on building the site.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    <title>Double encoding</title>
        @font-face {
            font-family: Jersey;
            src: url(/blog/John%2520Doe/_astro/Inter-Medium.CKLJZXR2.ttf) format("truetype");
            font-weight: 400;
            font-style: normal;
            font-display: auto

        h1 {
            font-family: Jersey

        .background-img {
            background: url(/blog/John%2520Doe/_astro/astro-logo-dark.DIg-SQxu.svg) no-repeat top left;
            height: 100%

        .inner {
            width: 200px;
            height: 180px

        section {
            outline: 2px solid lightcoral;
            max-width: 500px

        <h1>This heading should use the Inter Medium font</h1>
        <p><i>Its not, since the font url got double encoded</i></p> <br>
        <h3>An image imported in the file</h3>
        <p>This image loads correctly</p>
        <section><img src="/blog/John%20Doe/_astro/astro-logo-dark.DIg-SQxu.svg"></section> <br>
        <h3>An image set as background image via <code>css url()</code></h3>
        <p> <i>
                The image below doesn't load as the image path
                <code>css url()</code>
                gets double encoded
            </i> </p>
        <section class="background-img">
            <div class="inner"></div>
        </section> <br> <br>
        <div> <span> <strong>Path to image imported in the file - </strong>
                <code>/blog/John%20Doe/_astro/astro-logo-dark.DIg-SQxu.svg</code> </span> </div>
        <div> <span> <strong>Path to font in the <code>css url()</code> - </strong>
                <code>/blog/John%2520Doe/_astro/Inter-Medium.CKLJZXR2.ttf</code> </span> </div>
