Common Guidelines

We Support (there could be exceptions)

  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari

Always Remember

  • Don't try to prematurely optimize your code; keep it readable and understandable.

  • All code in any code-base should look like a single person typed it, even when many people are contributing to it.

  • Strictly enforce the agreed-upon style.

  • Whatever you do, you should be able to explain the reason to other person.

  • If it makes sense, if it feels right, do it. Code is just a means, not an end.

  • If you have multiple code blocks doing some specific task, try to separate them with blank line and start each of them with a descriptive comment. It increases code readability. For example,

    // Code block 1.
    // Initialize variables.
    $sum_even = 0;
    $sum_odd = 0;
    // Code block 2.
    // Calculate sum of even numbers.
    for ($i = 2; $i <= 50; $i += 2) {
      $sum_even += $i;
    // Code block 3.
    // Calculate sum of odd numbers.
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 50; $i += 2) {
      $sum_odd += $i;
    $result = $sum_even * $sum_odd;

    Code blocks 1, 2 and 3 separated by blank spaces and with descriptive comments.

    This is just an example, in real world scenarios code blocks can be longer and doing complex things.

Common Practices

  • Always use 2 spaces for indentation

  • Strings longer than 80 characters should be written across multiple lines using string concatenation.

  • Use braces with all multi-line blocks.

  • Place 1 space before the leading brace.

  • Set off operators with spaces.

  • No trailing white spaces.

  • Be descriptive with your naming for variables and functions.

  • Comment as much as you can.

  • Use /* ... */ for multi-line comments and // for single line comments.

  • Configure your editor according to these standards.

  • If you have long arrays, try to use multiline arrays.