
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Await Status Action await-status-action status

Waits for a status or multiple statuses to complete or fail.

Returns on first failure, but will provide details of all states at failure. Action runs successfully regardless of result unless there is an error.

Has separate timeouts for waiting for checks to be present and for waiting for all checks to complete. You will need to consider how long it may take for your status adding workflow to add it's state, bearing in mind that it may be queued. Alternatively you can set it pending in the same action that calls this action.

To set status from a workflow see: Sibz/github-status-action



  • authToken (required)
    Use secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN or your own token.
  • contexts (required)
    Semi-colon separated list of contexts (check names), i.e. 'Test run 1;Test run 2'
  • timeout
    Default: 600 seconds
    Maximum time in seconds to wait for an action to complete or fail
  • notPresentTimeout
    Default: 300 seconds
    Maximum time in seconds to wait for a check to appear
  • pollInterval
    Default: 10 seconds
    Time in seconds between polls to GitHub for status updates
  • ref
    Default: github.sha
    Ref or SHA to check for status on
  • owner
    Default: github.repository_owner
    Owner/GitHub username if checking another repository
  • repository
    Default: github.repository
    Repository name if checking another repository


If you need to return pending state as either complete or failed, you can add it to the following:

  • completeStates
    Default 'success'
    Semi-colon separated list of states to consider completed successfully
  • failedStates
    Default: 'failure;error'
    Semi-colon separated list of states to consider failed successfully


  • result
    Either success, failure or timeout
  • numberOfFailedChecks
    Number of checks that were not complete when result is failure or timeout
  • failedCheckNames
    Semi-colon separated list of check names that were not complete
  • failedCheckStates
    Semi-colon separated list of check states that were not complete
    Will be the state of the check unless it wasn't present and timed out
    One of success, failure, error, pending or not_present