CSE6242 project - group#38


This is the package of group 38's work. Our project is a website that can help you with finding counties that satisfy your need. You can find basic information of any county in the U.S. If you already have an IDEAL county, our program can find similar counties similar to it for you! If you are not familiar with any county in the U.S, it's also Okay, because our program can filter out counties by the aspect you care.


Our program can be run under Python 3.x, with all required packages installed. You can create a conda environment by installing all libraries in ./requirements.txt. Command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


after installing all packages, you can run the following command in terminal (Mac OS) or CMD (windows):

python manage.py runserver

After executing this code, open your browser and key in http://localhost:8000/welcome/, then you can browse everything about our project!