
Simple Rails app that implements the use of Sessions, Cookies and user authentication.

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a simple rails application that implements both authorization and authentication functionalities. The app allows users to create and post comments about their colegues. However, you can only see the author of a particular comment when you are signed in.

Things covered in the project:

  • Models, Views, and Controllers (MVC)
  • Routing
  • Migrations
  • Views with forms, partials, and helpers
  • RESTful design
  • Adding gems for extra features

How to run this app

To run it, clone this repository locally, and run these commands on your terminal.

Git clone git@github.com:Sick-Carlito/members-only.git

cd ~/members-only
rails s

To sign up

Visit localhost:3000/signup

then proceed to sign in

To sign in

Visit localhost:3000/signin

To create a post

Visit localhost:3000/posts/new

To view the posts

Visit localhost:3000/post

Note: You must be signed in to create a post

Build with

  • Ruby 2.6.3
  • Rails 6.0.2
  • sqlite3 1.4
  • yarn bundler

