
5SCALE is a geometrical optics model proposed by Chen, J.M., & Leblanc, S.G. (1997). It is often used to simulate canopy reflectance factor based on inputs of leaf and canopy biochemical and biophysical traits. This is a python version

Primary LanguagePython


5SCALE is a geometrical optics model proposed by Chen, J.M., & Leblanc, S.G. (1997). It is often used to simulate canopy reflectance factor based on inputs of leaf and canopy biochemical and biophysical traits. This is a python version written under object-oriented coding(OOC) rule


run AOPDomain.py


The leaf class includes two subclasses: Broadleaf and Needle, corresponding to two major leaf types. They use different kinds of leaf optical properties models to simulate leaf directional-hemispherical reflectance and transmittance (DHR&DHT), PROSPECT for Broadleaf while LIBERTY for Needle by default. The code includes LIBERTY only, PROSPECT model can be downloaded from http://teledetection.ipgp.jussieu.fr/prosail/ The background reflectance were fixed, an alternative is to incorporate soil reflectance model into this model