
A REST api for Quartz.net

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A self hosted Web API for Quartz.Net, hosting on .net 4.8 is done with OWIN and on .net6 and higher with Kestrel

Installing via NuGet (not yet done)


How to host Quartz.Net

var host = new SchedulerHost("http://localhost:44344", <IScheduler>, <ILogger>);

Where IScheduler is your Quartz.Net scheduler and ILogger any logger that implements the Microsoft ILogger interface (or null if you don't want any logging)

How to connect to the host

var connector = new SchedulerConnector("http://localhost:44344");

License Information

QuartzWebApi is Copyright (C) 2022 - 2024 Magic-Sessions and is licensed under the MIT license:

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Core Team

Sicos1977 (Kees van Spelde)


QuartzWebApi uses the Microsoft ILogger interface (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.extensions.logging.ilogger?view=dotnet-plat-ext-5.0). You can use any logging library that uses this interface.

QuartzWebApi has some build in loggers that can be found in the QuartzWebApi.Logger namespace.

For example

var logger = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(<some logfile>)
                ? new ChromeHtmlToPdfLib.Loggers.Stream(File.OpenWrite(<some logfile>))
                : new ChromeHtmlToPdfLib.Loggers.Console();

Most of the log informartion is logged at the information level, small answers like booleans, DateTimeOffsets and small strings (like the schedulers name) are also logged at this level. All the json that is received and sent back is logged at the debug level.

How to use the API directly

Check if a job group is paused

Do a POST request to Scheduler/IsJobGroupPaused/{groupName}, where {groupName} is the name of the group this will return true or false

Check if a trigger group is paused

Do a POST request to Scheduler/IsTriggerGroupPaused/{groupName}, where {groupName} is the name of the group this will return true or false

Get the schedulers name

Do a GET request to Scheduler/SchedulerName, this will return the name of the scheduler

Get the schedulers instance id

Do a GET request to Scheduler/SchedulerInstanceId, this will return the schedulers instance id

Get the schedulers context

Do a GET request to Scheduler/SchedulerContext

When the context is;

  • key1 - value1
  • key2 - value2
  • key3 - value3

it will return

    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",
    "key3": "value3"

Check if a scheduler is in standby mode

Do a GET request to Scheduler/InStandbyMode , this will return true or false

Check if a scheduler is in shutdown

Do a GET request to Scheduler/Isshutdown , this will return true or false

Get the schedulers meta-data

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetMetaData , this will return the meta-data that will look something like this

    "InStandbyMode": false,
    "JobStoreType": "Quartz.Simpl.RAMJobStore, Quartz, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f6b8c98a402cc8a4",
    "JobStoreClustered": false,
    "JobsStoreSupportsPersistence": false,
    "NumbersOfJobsExecuted": 0,
    "RunningSince": "2022-05-11T16:30:06.5957565+00:00",
    "SchedulerInstanceId": "NON_CLUSTERED",
    "SchedulerName": "The name of the scheduler",
    "SchedulerRemote": false,
    "SchedulerType": "Quartz.Impl.StdScheduler, Quartz, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f6b8c98a402cc8a4",
    "Shutdown": false,
    "Started": true,
    "ThreadPoolSize": 10,
    "ThreadPoolType": "Quartz.Simpl.DefaultThreadPool, Quartz, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f6b8c98a402cc8a4",
    "Version": ""

Get the currently executing jobs

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetCurrentlyExecutingJobs , this will return the currently executing jobs that will look like this


Get the job group names

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetJobGroupNames , this will return the job group names that will look like this


Get the trigger group names

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetTriggerGroupNames , this will return


Get the paused trigger groups

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetPausedTriggerGroups , this will return


Start the scheduler

Do a POST request to Scheduler/Start

Start the scheduler with a delay

Do a POST request to Scheduler/StartDelayed/{delay} where {delay} is the amount of seconds you want to delay the start

Check if the scheduler is started

Do a GET request to Scheduler/IsStarted, this will return true or false

Check if the scheduler is in standby mode

Do a GET request to Scheduler/Standby, this will return true or false

Shutdown the scheduler

Do a POST request to Scheduler/Shutdown

Shutdown the scheduler but wait for all jobs to complete

Do a POST request to Scheduler/Shutdown/{waitForJobsToComplete} where {waitForJobsToComplete} is true

Schedule a job with a job detail and a trigger

Do a POST request to Scheduler/ScheduleJobWithJobDetailAndTrigger with in the body the job detail and the trigger

  "JobDetail": {
    "JobKey": {
      "Name": "Name",
      "Group": "Group"
    "Description": "description",
    "JobType": "jobType",
    "JobDataMap": {
      "key": "value"
    "Durable": true,
    "Replace": false,
    "StoreNonDurableWhileAwaitingScheduling": false
  "Trigger": {
    "TriggerKey": {
      "Name": "name",
      "Group": "group"
    "Description": "description",
    "StartTimeUtc": "2022-08-15T17:34:04.5786231+00:00",
    "EndTimeUtc": "2022-08-15T17:34:04.5786231+00:00",
    "Priority": 5,
    "CronSchedule": "0 * * ? * *",
    "Priority": 5,    
    "JobKey": {
      "Name": "name",
      "Group": "value"
    "JobDataMap": {
      "key": "value"

Schedule the give trigger with the job identified by the trigger

Do a POST request to Scheduler/ScheduleJobIdentifiedWithTrigger with in the body

    "TriggerKey": {
        "Name": "TriggerKeyName",
        "Group": "TriggerKeyGroup"
    "JobKey": {
        "Name": "JobKeyName",
        "Group": "JobKeyGroup"
    "Description": "Description",
    "CalendarName": "CalendarName",
    "JobDataMap": {
        "Key1": "Value1",
        "Key2": "Value2"
    "StartTimeUtc": "2022-05-12T16:16:37.7210025+00:00",
    "EndTimeUtc": "2022-05-13T02:16:37.7210025+00:00",
    "FinalFireTimeUtc": "2022-05-13T22:16:37.7210025+00:00",
    "CronSchedule": "0 * * ? * *",
    "Priority": 5

This will return a datetime offset about when the job will be executed, for example "2022-05-12T16:17:00+00:00"

Schedule multiple jobs with one or more associated trigger

TODO: Task ScheduleJobs(IReadOnlyDictionary<IJobDetail, IReadOnlyCollection> triggersAndJobs, bool replace);

Schedule a job with one or more associated trigger

TODO: Task ScheduleJobs(IReadOnlyDictionary<IJobDetail, IReadOnlyCollection> triggersAndJobs, bool replace);

Schedule a job with a job detail and a related set of triggers

Do a POST request to Scheduler/ScheduleJobWithJobDetailAndTriggers with in the body the job detail and a related set of triggers

  "JobDetail": {
    "JobKey": {
      "Name": "Name",
      "Group": "Group"
    "Description": "description",
    "JobType": "jobType",
    "JobDataMap": {
      "key": "value"
    "Durable": true,
    "Replace": false,
    "StoreNonDurableWhileAwaitingScheduling": false
  "Triggers": [
      "TriggerKey": {
        "Name": "name",
        "Group": "group"
      "Description": "description",
      "CalendarName": "calenderName",
      "CronSchedule": "0 * * ? * *",
      "Priority": 5,
      "JobKey": {
        "Name": "name",
        "Group": "value"
      "JobDataMap": {
        "key": "value"
  "Replace": false

When you get an error like Could not find an IJob class with the type '<the job type>' then make sure that you have added the full namespace with the JobType

Unschedule a job

Do a POST request to Scheduler/UnscheduleJob with in the body the trigger of the job

    "Name": "TriggerKeyName",
    "Group": "TriggerKeyGroup"

this will return true when the job is unscheduled or false when not

Unschedule multiple jobs

Do a POST request to Scheduler/UnscheduleJobs with in the body the triggers of the jobs to unschedule

        "Name": "TriggerKeyName1",
        "Group": "TriggerKeyGroup1"
        "Name": "TriggerKeyName2",
        "Group": "TriggerKeyGroup2"

this will return true when the jobs are unscheduled or false when not

Reschedule job

Do a POST request to Scheduler/RescheduleJob with in the body the reschedulejob object

    "CurrentTriggerKey": {
        "Name": "CurrentTriggerKeyName",
        "Group": "CurrentTriggerKeyGroup"
    "NewTrigger": {
        "TriggerKey": {
            "Name": "NewTriggerKeyName",
            "Group": "NewTriggerKeyGroup"
        "JobKey": {
            "Name": "NewJobKeyName",
            "Group": "NewJobKeyGroup"
        "Description": "Description",
        "CalendarName": "CalendarName",
        "JobDataMap": {
            "Key1": "Value1",
            "Key2": "Value2"
        "StartTimeUtc": "2022-05-12T16:16:37.7210025+00:00",
        "EndTimeUtc": "2022-05-13T02:16:37.7210025+00:00",
        "FinalFireTimeUtc": "2022-05-13T22:16:37.7210025+00:00",
        "CronSchedule": "0 * * ? * *",
        "Priority": 5

Returns 'null' if a trigger with the given name and group was not found and removed from the store (and the new trigger is therefore not stored), otherwise the first fire time of the newly scheduled trigger

Add a job with no associated trigger

Do a POST request to Scheduler/AddJob with in the body the addjob object

    "JobKey": {
        "Name": "JobKeyName",
        "Group": "JobKeyGroup"
    "Description": "Description",
    "JobType": "JobType",
    "JobDataMap": {
        "Key1": "Value1",
        "Key2": "Value2"
    "Durable": true,
    "Replace": false,
    "StoreNonDurableWhileAwaitingScheduling": true

Delete a job

Do a POST request to Scheduler/DeleteJob with in the body the key of the job

    "Name": "JobKeyName",
    "Group": "JobKeyGroup"

this will return true when the job is deleted or false when not

Delete multiple jobs

Do a DELETE request to Scheduler/DeleteJobs with in the body the keys of the jobs

        "Name": "JobKeyName1",
        "Group": "JobKeyGroup1"
        "Name": "JobKeyName2",
        "Group": "JobKeyGroup2"

Trigger a job to execute NOW

Do a POST request to Scheduler/TriggerJobWithJobkey with in the body the key of the job

    "Name": "JobKeyName1",
    "Group": "JobKeyGroup1"

Trigger a job to execute NOW and associated a JobDataMap

Do a POST request to Scheduler/TriggerJobWithDataMap with in the body

    "JobKey": {
        "Name": "JobKeyName",
        "Group": "JobKeyGroup"
    "JobDataMap": {
        "Key1": "Value1",
        "Key2": "Value2"

Pause a job

Do a POST request to Scheduler/PauseJob with in the body the key of the job

    "Name": "JobKeyName",
    "Group": "JobKeyGroup"

Pause multiple jobs

Do a POST request to Scheduler/PauseJobs with in the body the group matching object that defined what jobs to pause

The values for Type can be: Contains, EndsWith, Equals or StartsWith

  "Type": "Contains",
  "Value": "<The job keys to match>"

Pause a trigger

Do a POST request to Scheduler/PauseTrigger with in the body the triggerkey

    "Name": "TriggerKeyName",
    "Group": "TriggerKeyGroup"

Pause multiple triggers

Do a POST request to Scheduler/PauseTriggers with in the body the group matching object that defined what triggers to pause

The values for Type can be: Contains, EndsWith, Equals or StartsWith

  "Type": "Contains",
  "Value": "<The trigger keys to match>"

Resume a job

Do a POST request to Scheduler/ResumeJob with in the body the key of the job

    "Name": "JobKeyName",
    "Group": "JobKeyGroup"

Resume multiple jobs

Do a POST request to Scheduler/ResumeJobs with in the body the group matching object that defined what jobs to resume

The values for Type can be: Contains, EndsWith, Equals or StartsWith

  "Type": "Contains",
  "Value": "<The job keys to match>"

Resume a trigger

Do a POST request to Scheduler/ResumeTrigger with in the body the key of the trigger

    "Name": "TriggerKeyName",
    "Group": "TriggerKeyGroup"

Resume multiple triggers

Do a POST request to Scheduler/ResumeTriggers with in the body the group matching object that defined what triggers to resume

The values for Type can be: Contains, EndsWith, Equals or StartsWith

  "Type": "Contains",
  "Value": "<The trigger keys to match>"

Pause all triggers

Do a POST request to Scheduler/PauseAllTriggers

Resume all triggers

Do a POST request to Scheduler/ResumeAllTriggers

Get job keys

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetJobKeys

The values for Type can be: Contains, EndsWith, Equals or StartsWith

  "Type": "Contains",
  "Value": "<The job keys to match>"

it will return something like this

    "Name": "JobKeyName",
    "Group": "JobKeyGroup"

Get triggers of job

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetTriggersOfJob with in the body the key of the job

    "Name": "JobKeyName",
    "Group": "JobKeyGroup"

It will return something like this

    "TriggerKey": {
      "Name": "triggerKey",
      "Group": "DEFAULT"
    "Description": "TestTrigger",
    "CalendarName": null,
    "CronSchedule": null,
    "NextFireTimeUtc": null,
    "PreviousFireTimeUtc": "2024-01-28T11:21:14.4966492+01:00",
    "StartTimeUtc": "2024-01-28T11:21:14.4966492+01:00",
    "EndTimeUtc": null,
    "FinalFireTimeUtc": "2024-01-28T11:21:14.4966492+01:00",
    "Priority": 5,
    "HasMillisecondPrecision": true,
    "JobKey": null,
    "JobDataMap": null

Get trigger keys

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetTriggerKeys

The values for Type can be: Contains, EndsWith, Equals or StartsWith

  "Type": "Contains",
  "Value": "<The group keys to match>"

it will return something like this

    "Name": "triggerKey",
    "Group": "DEFAULT"

Get the job detail

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetJobDetail with in the body the key of the job

    "Name": "JobKeyName",
    "Group": "JobKeyGroup"

It will return something like this

  "JobKey": {
    "Name": "JobKeyName",
    "Group": "JobKeyGroup"
  "Description": "Test",
  "JobType": "QuartzWebApi.TestJob",
  "JobDataMap": {},
  "Durable": false,
  "Replace": false,
  "StoreNonDurableWhileAwaitingScheduling": false

Get trigger

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetTrigger with in the body the key of the trigger

    "Name": "TriggerKeyName",
    "Group": "TriggerKeyGroup"

It will return something like this

  "TriggerKey": {
    "Name": "triggerKey",
    "Group": "DEFAULT"
  "Description": "TestTrigger",
  "CalendarName": null,
  "CronSchedule": null,
  "NextFireTimeUtc": null,
  "PreviousFireTimeUtc": "2024-01-28T14:09:21.9475007+01:00",
  "StartTimeUtc": "2024-01-28T14:09:21.9475007+01:00",
  "EndTimeUtc": null,
  "FinalFireTimeUtc": "2024-01-28T14:09:21.9475007+01:00",
  "Priority": 5,
  "HasMillisecondPrecision": true,
  "JobKey": null,
  "JobDataMap": null

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetTriggerState with in the body the key of the trigger

    "Name": "TriggerKeyName",
    "Group": "TriggerKeyGroup"

It will return something like this


Add calendar

Do a POST request to Scheduler/AddCalendar with in the body the body the calendar you want to add, for example

  "Name" : "My new CRON calendar",
  "Type": "Cron"
  "CronExpression": "0 0-5 14 * * ?",
  "Description": "my description"
  "Replace": true
  "UpdateTriggers": true

Delete a calendar

Do a DELETE request to Scheduler/DeleteCalendar/{calName} where calName is het name of the calendar to delete, this will return true or false

Get a calendar

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetCalendar/{calName} where calName is het name of the calendar to get, when the calendar exists it will return something like this

  "CronExpression": "0 0-51 4 * * ?",
  "Name": null,
  "Type": "Cron",
  "TimeZone": {
    "Id": "W. Europe Standard Time",
    "DisplayName": "(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna",
    "StandardName": "W. Europe Standard Time",
    "DaylightName": "W. Europe Daylight Time",
    "BaseUtcOffset": "01:00:00",
    "AdjustmentRules": [
        "DateStart": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "DateEnd": "9999-12-31T00:00:00",
        "DaylightDelta": "01:00:00",
        "DaylightTransitionStart": {
          "TimeOfDay": "0001-01-01T02:00:00",
          "Month": 3,
          "Week": 5,
          "Day": 1,
          "DayOfWeek": 0,
          "IsFixedDateRule": false
        "DaylightTransitionEnd": {
          "TimeOfDay": "0001-01-01T03:00:00",
          "Month": 10,
          "Week": 5,
          "Day": 1,
          "DayOfWeek": 0,
          "IsFixedDateRule": false
        "BaseUtcOffsetDelta": "00:00:00"
    "SupportsDaylightSavingTime": true

Get calendar names

Do a GET request to Scheduler/GetCalendarNames, it will return something like this


Errors returned

When an error occures this is returned as a .NET exception in JSON format like this

    "Message": "An error has occurred.",
    "ExceptionMessage": "Unable to store Trigger: 'TriggerKeyGroup.TriggerKeyName', because one already exists with this identification.",
    "ExceptionType": "Quartz.ObjectAlreadyExistsException",
    "StackTrace": "... the .NET stack trace ..."