
A cross platform application to automate the process of migrating Apigee proxies to Azure API Management

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Apigee to Azure APIM Migration Tool is a cross platform application developed with C# and .Net 7. This application can run on any operating system. The main purpose of this application is to migrate Apigee API Products, API Proxies and their policies to Azure APIM. It does that by reading metadata from Apigee using its management API, transforming entities and creating them in Azure APIM using .Net SDK and REST API. You can view our upcoming plans and features in our public roadmap.


Options List

All required options are mandetory and must be supplied.

Option Name Description Required
--apigeeOrganizationName Apigee organization name Yes
--apigeeAuthenticationBaseUrl Apigee authentication base URL (ex: https://yourcompanyname.login.apigee.com) Yes
--apigeeManagementApiBaseUrl Apigee management API base URL (ex: https://api.enterprise.apigee.com) Yes
--apigeeUsername* Apigee username No
--apigeePassword* Apigee password No
--apigeePasscode* Apigee passcode (can be retrieved from this URL: https://yourcompanyname.login.apigee.com/passcode) No
--proxyOrProduct Migrating Product or Proxy? (enter "Product" or "Proxy" as answer) Yes
--proxyOrProductName Name of the proxy or product you'd like to migrate Yes
--apigeeEnvironmentName Apigee environment name Yes
--apigeeConfigDir Specify a local directory to load the Apigee configuration bundle from No
--useApigeeDisplayName true or false, If set to true then the name of API in Azure APIM will be defined using the display name of the API Proxy in Apigee instead of name. (optional) No
--azureAppId Azure service principal App ID Yes
--azurePassword Azure service principal Password Yes
--azureTenantId Azure Tenant ID Yes
--azureSubscriptionId Azure subscription ID Yes
--apimUrl Azure APIM URL Yes
--apimName Azure APIM name Yes
--apimResourceGroup Azure APIM resource group name Yes
--apimOauthConfigName Oauth configuration name (optional) No
--apimOauthBackendAppId Backend app registration ID (optional) No
--apimOauthTenantId Azure AD tenant ID (optional) No
--apimOauthAudiences Comma separated list of OAuth audiences (optional) No
--apimOauthIssuers Comma separated list of OAuth issuers (optional) No
--apimOauthScopeClaimName Name of OAuth scope claim name. Default is "scope" (optional) No
--keyVaultName Azure Key Vault name you'd like to use for named values in APIM (optional) No
--configFile Path to the configuration file (optional) No

* either apigeeUsername and apigeePassword or apigeePasscode are required. If both are provided, username and password will be used.

Entity Mapping

Apigee and Azure APIM have a lot in common and offer same features and capabilities. However, in many cases, in completely different ways. In this section we’ll map entities and features from Apigee to Azure APIM.

First, we’ll start with Proxy Endpoints. In Apigee it is possible to add multiple proxy endpoints to a single API proxy and each proxy endpoint can have multiple Flows. This feature doesn’t exist in APIM therefore if an API Proxy has multiple proxy endpoints, they need to be consolidated into one set of API Operations in Azure APIM.

Apigee has the concept of Pre-Flows and Post-Flows. It is possible to define policies for requests and responses as part of each and it’s also possible to have Pre-Flows and Post-Flows for Target Endpoints which are the equivalent of Endpoints in Azure APIM. In Azure APIM however, we can add Inbound Policies and Outbound Policies at different levels. Global (policies will be applies to all APIs), API (policies will be applied to all operations within an API), Operation (policies will be applies to a specific operation or endpoint) and Product (policies will be applied to all the APIs and their operations that belong to a specific product).

Apigee to APIM Migration tool will consolidate all the pre-flow and post-flow policies for both proxy endpoint and target endpoint and transform them to Azure APIM as API level policies.

All request and response policies at the flow level will be migrated as policies at the operation level. Shared Flows in Apigee are a reusable collection of policies in a specific order that can be used in multiple places. All Shared Flows are transformed into and migrated as Policy Fragments.

Apigee Entity Azure APIM Entity
Api Proxy API*
Proxy Endpoints API*
Target Endpoints Endpoints
Flows API Operations
Proxy endpoint pre-flow and post-flow policies API level inbound and outbound policies
Target endpoint pre-flow and post-flow policies API level inbound and outbound policies
Shared Flows Policy Fragments
API Product API Product
Unencrypted Key Value Maps Named Values
Encrypted Key Value Maps Named Values marked as secret (can point to a secret in an Azure Key Vault instance)

* It is possible to have an API Proxy with multiple Proxy Endpoints in Apigee. Each Proxy Endpoint will be migrated as an API in APIM and the name of the Proxy Endpoint Will be appended to the name of the API.

Policy Mapping

The most challenging part of this tool, and where it adds real value, is Policy Transformation. The Apigee-to-APIM Migration Tool reads all Apigee policies and transforms them into Azure APIM policies. This includes all variable and secret references, as well as complex conditions that use Apigee expressions. The list of supported policies is as follows:

Apigee Policy Azure APIM Policy Description
Assign Message Set Header & Set Body Add or remove request headers or body
Lookup Cache Cache Lookup Value Get a cached value from cache store
Populate Cache Cache Store Value Store new value in the cache store
Invalidate Cache Cache Remove Value Configures how the cached values should be purged from the cache
KeyValue Map Operations Set Variable Read variables from named values and assign to a variable
Verify JWT Validate Jwt Validate a JWT token using encryption key
Service Callout Send Request Call an HTTP endpoint
Extract Variables Set Variable Read JSON object, extract values and assign to variables. Requires custom expression in Azure APIM
OAuthV2 Validate Jwt Validate JWT policy in APIM can be configured to validate OAuth
Flow Callout Include Fragment Call Policy Fragment
Access Control Ip Filter Allow or deny access to your APIs by specific IP addresses
Basic Authentication Authentication Basic Authenticate with a backend service using Basic authentication. The policy also lets you decode credentials stored in a Base64 encoded string into a username and password
Raise Fault Return Response Generates a custom message in response to an error condition
Spike Arrest Rate Limit By Key or Rate Limit Protects against traffic surges

All policies not listed above will be ignored during the migration process.

Azure APIM Configuration

Azure APIM must be configured properly before migrating API Proxies otherwise APIs may not work. Additionally, there are some entities that can’t be migrated automatically and need to be created manually in Azure APIM.

  • Azure APIM must be provisioned with access to all the back-end services Apigee organization has access to.
  • OAuth must be configured on APIM.
  • All Key Values must be moved manually from Apigee to APIM. In Apigee it’s possible to create a group of Key Values (it’s called Map Identifier). The equivalent entity in Azure APIM is Named Values. Named Values don’t support groups, so we need to create them in a way that prevents conflicts. All Named Values must follow the naming convention used by the migration tool which is {Map Identifier} – {Key}. For example, before migrating below policy we need to create two Named Values in APIM called APIDoubleProxyConfig-KVM-payment-hk-v1-key and APIDoubleProxyConfig-KVM-payment-hk-v1-secret. APIM doesn’t allow use of underscores in Named Value names so all underscores must be replaced with hyphen.


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