
An open source CSS framework for business critical applications

Primary LanguageCSS

Built by Sid2car

Decal is a front-end framework optimized for business interfaces. Created by Sid3car, Decal allows developers to easily integrate many of the web application features that drive modern enterprises.

Installing Decal

To run the documentation locally on your machine, open your terminal and navigate to the folder where you want to store the files. Then, enter the following command into your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/Sid3car/decal.git
cd decal
npm install
gulp watch

if compass fails

sudo gem install compass

Then fire up a web server...

npm install -g http-server

What You'll Get

  • Master search mechanics


  • Selectable lists and dropdown menus

checked boxes and dropdown

  • Responsive tables


  • User profiles


  • Manageable forms


  • Notes interface for posting content



  • We ❤️ contributers
  • Fork it!
  • Fix it!
  • Submit a pull request!
  • Something not working?
  • Submit issue to forrest@sid3car.com