
Design large-scale systems / 2022 / Design Patterns: Behavioral, Creational, Structural, etc. @ S.Leschev. Google Engineering Level: L6+

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

S.Leschev Design Patterns (Swift 5+)

Sergey Leschev

Google Engineering Level: L6+

🏆 Awards

Ranking #Dev: Global TOP 200 (Certificate)

Sergey Leschev

Sergey Leschev

Languages: Swift, Shell, Database (T-SQL, PL/SQL, MySQL), Concurrency (Python3).

Algorithms: linked lists, binary search, hash table, queue/stack, dfs/bfs, sort, heap/hash, two pointers, sliding window, tree, greedy problems etc.

Behavioral Creational Structural
🐝 Chain Of Responsibility 🌰 Abstract Factory 🔌 Adapter
👫 Command 👷 Builder 🌉 Bridge
🎶 Interpreter 🏭 Factory Method 🌿 Composite
🍫 Iterator 🔂 Monostate 🍧 Decorator
💐 Mediator 🃏 Prototype 🎁 Facade
💾 Memento 💍 Singleton 🍃 Flyweight
👓 Observer ☔ Protection Proxy
🐉 State 🍬 Virtual Proxy
💡 Strategy
🏃 Visitor
📝 Template Method


I have a clear focus on time-to-market and don't prioritize technical debt.

🛩️ #startups #management #cto #swift #typescript #database

📧 Email: sergey.leschev@gmail.com

👋 LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/sergeyleschev

👋 Twitter: https://twitter.com/sergeyleschev

👋 Github: https://github.com/sergeyleschev

🌎 Website: https://sergeyleschev.github.io

🌎 Medium: https://medium.com/@sergey.leschev

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