
Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Project Skeleton

Gulp complex commands:

  • gulp create build with localhost server and livereload;
  • gulp dev create build without localhost server and livereload.


  • All custom scss files locate in src/scss/ folder;
  • Entry point for all scss is src/scss/app.scss you can import all your .scss files from here;
  • You don't need to write prefixes for different browsers like -webkit it will be done by the gulp.


  • All custom javascript files locate in js/ folder;
  • Entry point for javascript is src/js/app.js you can import all you .js files from here using ES6 import feature;
  • All javascript is babelified so yes! You can use all kind of ES6 features here.


  • All images placed in src/images/ folder will be automatically optimized and put in build/images/ folder;
  • To clear build/images/ folder use gulp imageClean task.


  • All extensions must be installed by the Bower;
  • After installing the extension you must include its files:
    • js files must be included in src/vendor_entries/vendor.js by adding new elements to the array;
    • css or sass files must be included in src/vendor_entries/vendor.scss using @import.


  • gulp production task creates the production/ folder in the root of the project with build files only;
  • It will help you to create clear instances of code for the production or further implementation.


  • You can create your own iconfont for the project;
  • You need to put all your icons (in svg format) in folder srs/fonts/icons/;
  • Then you run gulp iconFont command;
  • It will create a src/scss/fonts/iconfont/_icons.css, include it in your src/scss/app.scss
  • Enjoy your iconfont