
Clocki is a android game base on Klotski(wikipedia.org/Klotski)

Primary LanguageJava

Clocki is a game program base on Klotski(wikipedia.org/Klotski).

Clocki uses Android platform and tools for development and packaging
final product.

# Note for players

# You could buy this game at
# Or download it free at
# Or build it in your machine, see Note for developers

# Note for developers

# This project built with Eclipse INDIGO(powered with ADT plugin [version
# So you could import this project into eclipse and continue from there.
# Or
# Use gradle (version 1.12 was used).
> gradle build

# For see how logic of this program is tested see:
# and following test cases:

# see also Refs/*.txt for review history of done features, tasks and stories.
# and my favorite Git command: git log --reverse