
enter function appears weird when the completion menu showing up

lee-shun opened this issue · 6 comments

Thank you for your excellent plugin!

OS type:

  • Unix
  • Windows
  • Other ([SPECIFY])


  • vim
  • neovim
  • Other ([SPECIFY])

Vim version:

  1. i have the following in my vimrc to use deoplete.nvim
inoremap <expr> <cr> ((pumvisible())?("\<C-y>"):("\<cr>"))
inoremap <expr> <TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>"
inoremap <expr> <S-TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<TAB>"
  1. and for mkdx:
" ===
" === mkdx
" ===
let g:mkdx#settings = {
            \'highlight': { 'enable': 0 },
            \'map': { 'prefix': '=' }

Reproduce steps:

  1. when I try to input with complete menu powered by deoplete.nvim, enter will not change a new line:
    屏幕截图_1 to

  2. if there is no complete menu, (for example, a space after), it works well:

What happened????

got one possible solution:

It seems the popup menu take in the "cr" to confirm rather than actually insert a "\n" by deoplete.nvim

So I put the following code in "after/ftplugin/markdown.vim"

" === patch mkdx
function! s:cr_close_pop()
  return pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : ""
inoremap <silent> <Plug>(mkdx-enter-modify) <C-R>=<SID>cr_close_pop()<CR><C-R>=mkdx#EnterHandler()<Cr>�:setlocal autoindent<Cr>
imap <buffer><silent> <CR> <Plug>(mkdx-enter-modify)

Then it works well...

Hello @lee-shun!

Would you mind forking mkdx and submitting a PR with the change you made? I'll have a look at it today and if all is well I'll merge it. Cheers for your efforts 👍


Ah I see that this is actually a pretty minimal snippet now and indeed would need some additional work. I'm thinking I'll add a setting to "close popup on enter" which will cause mkdx to behave like the patched code you've shown.

By default it will be disabled as to maintain identical behaviour when users update. In your case you would enable this setting.

I'll try to work on this tonight, thank you for the feedback!

Thank you and this excellent plug! Cheers!

@lee-shun you should now be able to enable the behaviour by setting :let g:mkdx#settings.enter.close_pum = 1 (in vimrc this must be written like let g:mkdx#settings = {'enter': {'close_pum': 1}}).

Leaving this open for you to confirm whether it works 👍

Just tested this neeeeew feature, Perfect!

By the way, I think every vimer should have the following line in their .vimrc to make life easier! And they should make this plugin default.

Plug 'SidOfc/mkdx'

Lol :)

Haha thanks!

Also cheers for reporting and doing the actual work, implementation was easy thanks to your efforts and may prove useful to people using other completion plugins as well 👍

Enjoy :)