A notification aggregator based on tiramisu written in bash
* Daemon & Client
Marsala has a daemon and client mode
The daemon as the word implies runs in the background
storing the notifciations in a temp direcotry
The client provides a nice way of viewing them
( or just use cat :P )
* Notifications sorting
The notifications that marsala gathers is sorted based on
- bash 4+
- tiramisu source
marsala [options]
-D (start daemon)
-h (help)
-v (version)
Keys Function
n -> next source feed
p <- prev source feed
r refresh feed
c clear the current feed
P display the current field in a pager
? goto help
$ marsala -D # Start the daemon
$ marsala # Start the client
Customisations are done through envoirment variables
# Path to store temp dir of marsala
# /tmp is chosen as default since it gets cleaned
# on every boot (changes distro to distro)
# Specifies the format that will be pased to the
# -o flag in tiramisu.
# Check the tiramisu README for more info about the
# output formats
export TIRAMISU_FORMAT="#summary"$'\n'"#body"
An excerpt about tiramisu from wikipedia
Traditional tiramisu contains a short list of ingredients: finger biscuits, egg yolks, sugar, coffee, mascarpone cheese, cocoa powder and sometimes liquor..... Among the most common alcoholic changes includes the addition of Marsala.
It's heaivily influenced to by dylanaraps way of doing things. I fear it might be too much, cos I feel like I'm bordering plagarism. Need to find mah identity