
Problem Statement

Atliq Hardware is a leading manufacturer of computer hardware in India and other nations, but it struggles to make prompt and wise choices based on data.

Task :

Finance Analytics :

  • Gross Sales Report: Monthly Product Transactions
  • Gross Sales Report: Total Sales Amount
  • Stored Procedure: Market Badge

Top Customers, Products, Markets :

  • Problem Statement and Pre-Invoice Discount Report
  • Create a report for net sales
  • Top Markets and Customers

Supply Chain Analytics

  • Forecast Accuracy Report

Concepts Learnt :

Primary Key

Foreign Key


1. SQL Basics : Data Retrieval

  • Retrieve data using text query (SELECT, WHERE, DISTINCT, LIKE)
  • Retrieve data using numeric query (BETWEEN, IN , ORDER BY, LIMIT, OFFSET)
  • Summary analytics : MIN, MAX, AVG, GROUP BY
  • Having clause

2. SQL : Complex Queries

  • Subqueries
  • ANY, ALL operators
  • Common Table Expresssion (CTE)
  • User-Defined function
  • Stored Procedures
  • Window Function : OVER clause
  • Window Function : ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK

Learnt things from this Project :

  • Database Normalization & Data Integrity
  • Entity Relationship Diagram
  • ETL Data Warehouse, OLTP, OLAP, Data Catalog
  • Fact vs Dimension Table, Star vs Snowflake Schema
  • Simplified : What is Kanban
  • 5 Ways SQL is used in the industry
  • Supply Chain Basics : Simplified