
Rust implementation of: http://be-n.com/spw/you-can-list-a-million-files-in-a-directory-but-not-with-ls.html

Primary LanguageRust


Rust implementation of this blog or discussion


scalable-ls is a Rust-based command-line tool designed to list the contents of directories containing an extremely large number of files. Traditional tools like ls can struggle or fail in these environments, but scalable-ls is optimized to handle such scenarios efficiently.


Ensure you have Rust and Cargo installed on your system. Clone this repository and navigate to the project directory. Build the project using Cargo:

cargo build --release


Create empty files

To create a directory and populate it with empty files under demo-files directory, use the following command:


To list the files in a directory, use the following command:

cargo run -- [OPTIONS] <PATH>


  • -b, --buf_size <BUF_SIZE>: Set the buffer size for reading directory entries (default is 5MB).


cargo run -- ./demo_files/
cargo run -- --buf-size 1000000 ./demo_files/


  • Handles directories with millions of files.
  • Efficient directory listing without hanging or crashing.
  • Customizable buffer size for performance tuning.


For 20000 files, both seem to be working. But, it could fail for larger number of files & also output is inconsistent in native ls in case of large numbers of files:
