
This is a "Bug Claim Server" which gives all general features for a Bug Bounty platform should have.

The backend is completely build on Django using Django Rest Framework


  • 5 different roles defined i.e Root Admin, Root Moderator, Company Admin, Company Moderator and Researcher
  • Login/Registration for researcher
  • Login/Registration for company only by admin or admin moderator(permission)
  • Login/Registration for company moderator by only company admin(permission)
  • Login/Registration for researcher
  • Profile GET and Update by User(for all different roles only by owner)

Backend Setup

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Change the current directory to backend folder: cd ./Bugclaim-Server.
  3. Create a virutal environment and install all backend dependencies with pipenv: pipenv install.
  4. Start the virtual environment: pipenv shell.
  5. Run python makemigrations.
  6. Run python migrate.
  7. Create a superuser: python createsuperuser
  8. Run the server: python runserver.

Backend API Documentation

API Documentation is generated using the default tool provided by Django Rest Framework.

View The API documentation

  1. Make sure that the Backend Server is running.
  2. Navigate to the localhost:8000/docs/