
URL Shortner API build on ruby on rails. We can run rake tasks to check API behaviour.

How to test the code

After cloning the repo follow below instructions:

Open terminal and on the first terminalexecute following commands.

$ rails db:create db:migrate db:setup

$ rails server

Open another terminal and on the second terminalexecute following commands.

On running rake taks encode it will print the short_url related to original_url.

rake app:encode URL=https://bigbinary.com/jobs

The above rake task will print following statement in the terminal.

The shortened url of https://bigbinary.com/jobs is https://short.is/TLU31jRT.


On running rake task decode, it will print the original_url respect to short_url

SHORTURL=https://short.is/TLU31jRT bundle exec rake app:decode


The above rake task will print following statement in the terminal.

The original url of short url https://short.is/TLU31jRT is https://bigbinary.com/jobs


If the SHORTURL is not present in the database then error message will be shown like below.

No original url was found for the short url https://short.is/poliwe71

List of Links View

  • Each link object has pinned boolean field which is false by default. All the Links are ordered according to two model field pinned and created_at.
  • We can pin or unpin the particular link.
  • All the pinned links will be moved to top on the list.
  • App is live here


  • Get the original url
    • GET - /api/v1/links/:short_url/decode
  • Get the short_url
    • POST - /api/v1/links/encode
  • Get the list of links
    • GET - /api/v1/links
  • Update a particualr link(for pin functionality)
    • PUT - /api/v1/links/:short_url