
This repository contains Vitis projects for submitting to zprize-msm track

Primary LanguageAda

This repository contains HLS source code for MSM implementation designed for ZPrize. The directory hls_zprize_msm is the main project directory, rest are intermediate files which are not in use anymore.

Directory structure of hls_zprize_msm

The implementation of MSM unit is done using Vitis HLS.

  1. src - C++ source code to be used in Vitis HLS

    Fp.cpp, Fp.h - functions for arithmetic on Fp

    Fr.cpp, Fr.h - functions for arithmetic Fr

    Field arithmetic on Fp and Fr include modular addition/subtraction and modular multiplication

    bls12_377.cpp, bls12_377.h - functions for arithmetic on points of BLS12-377 curve arithmetic - point doubling, point addition, scalar multiplication

    msm.cpp, msm.h - Algorithms for multiscalar multiplication top level function for MSM

  2. tester - contains test vectors for MSM and field arithmetic.

    testcase_1, testcase_2 - 13-bit field (for initial testing)

    testcase_3 - full-scale test vectors (generated from arkworks implementation)

    testcase_4, testcase_5 etc. are full-scale test vectors with different number of points

Synthesis and Simulation

  • To generate RTL from C++, use script.tcl present in base directory hls_zprize_msm/
vitis_hls script.tcl
  • To launch simulation using ModelSim, run the following in vsim prompt from hls_zprize_msm/hls_zprize_msm/solution1/modelsim
do run_msim_rtl_verilog.do

Note: ModelSim might report some syntax errors in Vitis generated RTL (e.g. semi-colon near endcase). To fix this, run preprocess.sh present in modelsim directory before starting simulation.


To verify elliptic curve arithmetic, golden references for primitive operations were generated from https://github.com/Pratyush/algebra-intro.


  • Y. Zhang et al., "PipeZK: Accelerating Zero-Knowledge Proof with a Pipelined Architecture," 2021 ACM/IEEE 48th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2021, pp. 416-428, doi: 10.1109/ISCA52012.2021.00040. (link to publication)
  • Charles. F. Xavier, "PipeMSM: Hardware Acceleration for Multi-Scalar Multiplication," Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/999. (link to publication)