AWS: Create IAM User

Create IAM user AWS with [ Access type: Programmatic access ], I named mine ex3_s333

  1. Next step "Set permissions" -> Click "Attach existing policies directly"
  2. Then search with keyword "s3"
  3. To make things simple I chose/checked option "AmazonS3FullAccess" policy name
  4. Click "Next:Tags", I am not setting tags here.
  5. Finish the process, click "Next:Review" -> click -> "Create user"
  6. For ease of use, REMEMBER to download the CSV (contains this new user's access info) -> Save file -> Keep it safe ;)

AWS: Create a bucket

To do so, from "Servises" -> click "S3"

  • Click "Create bucket"
  • Enter a valid + unique name. I named it "mygallerybucket33", then click "Next"
  • I will keep everything default in "Configure option" section, click -> "Next"
  • This step "Set permissions",
    • Uncheck -> "Block all public access"
    • Check -> "Block public access to buckets and objects granted through new public bucket or access point policies"
    • Check -> "Block public and cross-account access to buckets and objects through any public bucket or access point policies"
    • NOTE: Information are given below the checkboxes there, please read them to understand what they do.
    • Acknowledge the alert checkbox.
    • Click -> Next
    • Click -> Create bucket
  • You will find the created bucket in the bucket list
  • Click to open your bucket, I clicked mine "mygallerybucket33"
  • We need to make it publicly accessible, so click on "Permissions"
    • Click -> "Access Control List"
    • Navigate to "Public access" section and click -> "Everyone"
    • A pop up "Everyone" will appear to set further option
      • Under "Access to the objects"
      • Check -> "List objects" and
      • Click -> Save
  • Notice: The bucket is now publicly accessible.

Run the app

  1. npm install
  2. Rename sample_nodemon.json > nodemon.json
  3. Open nodemon.json > Replace all <_xxxx_> with valid credentials
  4. npm start