
Git Branching, Merging, and Issue Handling Assignment


Part 1: Initial Setup

  1. Fork this Repository:

  2. Clone the Repository:

    • Clone the forked repository to your local machine.

Part 2: Create a Feature Branch

  1. Create a New Branch:

    • Create and switch to a new branch named feature/added-learnings.
  2. Create and Update a Readme:

    • Create the learnings.md file and add a section titled "5 Things I have learned about Git and GitHub" with a brief description.
  3. Commit the Changes:

    • Add, commit, and push your changes to the remote repository.
    git add learnings.md
    git commit -m "Add Project Overview section to learnings.md"
    git push origin feature/added-learnings

Part 3: Create an Issue and Add few more features

  1. Create an Issue:

    • On GitHub, create an issue titled "2 more things I have learnt".
  2. Create another feature Branch:

    • Create and switch to a new branch named feature/new-learnings.
  3. Add the new features:

    • In the learnings.md file, add 2 more of your learnings.
  4. Commit the feature branch:

    • Add, commit, and push your changes to the remote repository.
    git add learnings.md
    git commit -m "added 2 more features in README"
    git push origin feature/new-learnings
  5. Close the Issue:

    • Go to GitHub and close the issue "2 more things I have learnt".

Part 4: Merge Branches

  1. Merge the Feature Branch:

    • Switch to the main branch and merge the feature/added-learnings branch.
    git checkout main
    git pull origin main
    git merge feature/added-learnings
  2. Merge the new feature Branch:

    • Merge the feature/new-learnings branch into the main branch. If there are any conflicts, resolve them.
    git merge feature/new-learnings

    If there are conflicts:

    • Open the conflicting files and resolve the conflicts manually.
    • Mark the conflicts as resolved by adding the resolved files.
    git add README.md
    git commit -m "Resolve merge conflicts"
  3. Push the Merged Changes:

    • Push the merged changes to the remote repository.
    git push origin main