
An RAG Model based on StrainsDB by Kenneth Reitz.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

StrainDB RAG

An RAG Model based on StrainsDB. The Database for the project was provided by Kenneth Reitz.

Steps involved

Extracting and Validating the Data

  • The SQLite DataBase consisted of 19 tables from which the strains_strain table was extracted.
    • Solution: extract data using SQLite module and create a Strain class (that inherits pydantic.BaseModel) for data validation
  • Then the table's data cells consisted of lists in string format which needed to be converted back
    • Solution: eval("[1, 2, 3]") returns [1, 2, 3]
  • The data needs to be saved.
    • Solution: dump data in JSON format.

Data Tokenization

  • The Data was embedded into ChromaDB (persistent client) using the OpenAIEmbeddings function.
    • Solution: OpenAIEmbeddings function from the langchain_openai package.


  • The data was retrieved from the ChromaDB using the Chroma class.