

A classification algorithm used in machine learning. Stands for k nearest nieghbours .It belongs to the supervised learning domain and finds intense application in pattern recognition, data mining and intrusion detection.

About the classifier

The model is trained to classify a tumour into either benign or malignant if the model is provided with radius and other features of the tumour.If the tumour is benign then it is non-cancerous and they do not spread and if otherwise it is cancerous and they spread to the other tissues too.

About Data set

The data set is comma separated and has 570 training examples. The features for each training example that are considered are radius mean,texture mean,perimeter mean,area mean,smoothness mean,compactness mean","concavity mean,concave points mean,symmetry mean,fractal dimension mean

System Requirements

-->python 3.7 -->pandas -->sklearn -->numpy -->matplotlib