
This repository contains positive and negative test cases for a payment system, focusing on the "Send Money" and "Add Money" functionalities. The tests were designed to validate the correct behavior of the system and identify any potential issues. The results of the tests are documented in an excel sheet


What is Test Case?

A test case in manual testing is a set of steps and expected outcomes that are used to evaluate the functionality of a software application. The goal of a test case is to determine whether the software behaves as intended and meets the requirements for a specific feature or functionality. Test cases are usually written by manual testers and are executed manually, without the use of automated tools.

Test Case Parameters:

  • Test Case ID
  • Test Scenario
  • Test Case Title
  • Prerequisite
  • Test Steps
  • Test Data
  • Expected Result
  • Actual Result
  • Status
  • Remarks

What I have done?

I have created the test cases (Positive & Negative) based on two scenarios:-

  • Send Money
  • Add Money

Note: This spreadsheet contains two sections, one for the "Send Money" functionality and another for "Add Money."